Treatment matters

The goal of treatment is to resolve the derangement of sensory input for equilibrium.

This treatment addresses the etiology behind many common aches and pains, namely the derangement of sensory input for equilibrium. As chronicity of problem and response to treatment are very individual, some patients may feel better faster than others. Progress will be assessed objectively throughout the treatment period to assure the body is recovering, and the patient will be informed accordingly.



Evan-Amos, Wikimedia Commons

Though it is not a symptomatic procedure, the offering of prolonged relief by remedying the cause is always the goal of the care. In order to achieve this goal, each adjustment is specifically targeted to the responsible dysfunction.



Kozuch, Wikimedia Commons

Before any treatment is conducted, it is important to confirm the existence of asymmetrical muscle tone and to locate the most appropriate dysfunction. The treatment is then targeted at this dysfunction with minimum dose. In the case of upper cervical adjustment it is always the accuracy of patient placement and the precision of applying just enough force at correct direction that counts.


Health recovery chart

Click to enlarge

It takes time to change from health to disease, so it takes time to retrace back to health. On the first couple of days after adjusting a major dysfunction, the body starts balancing itself with quality sensory signals. The retracing response kicks in. Patients may have healing reaction as previous symptoms resurface. It is only temporary, lasting only a few hours to a couple of days. This is the time major recovery is taking place.


Line chart & bar chart progressing upward


After the first upper cervical adjustment, patients usually notice objective improvement of muscle asymmetry. Re-examination is required on the following day to determine if the adjustment holds. Once this misalignment improves, other secondary dysfunctions will be explored and adjusted. The frequency of subsequent treatments will be suggested on individual basis. The more chronic the problem is, the more dysfunctions there are. With systematic analysis of the remaining imbalance, the holding dysfunctions will be cleared one by one, and the corresponding symptoms will be resolved. The patience of patients is the determining factor for the success of the care.

Exercise and therapy

Cat stretching backward on lawn

Clavecin, Wikimedia Commons

In the first week of care, patients should avoid exercise, massage and concurrent therapy so that the effect of the care can be observed. Starting as soon as the second week, with doctor's approval to become active again, patients can return to their established regular exercise regimens.


Young Girl Holding a Letter (oil on canvas)

Caspar Netscher, Wikimedia Commons

To avoid strained muscle from continual exertion on prolonged holding in one position, patients are encouraged change their postures often, like get up and stand after sitting for a while, walk after standing for some time. The body should also be allowed to turn freely during sleeping. Maintaining in one sleeping posture all through the night is what patients do to avoid pain, but it actually causes stress on more joints and muscles.Though habits are hard to break, with better understanding, the patients should release their worries and let the body make any appropriate postural changes during recovery.


Square pillows

Soap, Wikimedia Commons

Many patients find their pillows fail them, though they have tried many different brands. Most of the time the crux of the problem rests on their neck conditions which make them less adaptable to changes in posture. They are advised to continue using their current pillows, and avoid further trying out. Usually it does not remain to be an issue after their neck conditions improve.



Yahquinn, Wikimedia Commons

The comfort of a good night sleep needs the support of a good mattress. However, there is no real need to change a mattress while it is still supportive and has no dip, sag and squeak. People with spinal problems may have a hard time changing their positions in bed because of discomfort. They usually will start sleeping better with their adjustments.

Foot care

Baby feet

Doreen Dotto, Wikimedia Commons

By going barefoot or wearing thin-sole shoes without arch support, patients are able to sense the ground better and improve their stability. Attention should also be paid to the sole that is covered with tough skin, corn, callus or wart which can affect the sensitivity. Patient should avoid taking foot reflexology (or foot massage) and walking on pebbles at the reflexology foot path because of the abnormal sensory interference they produce.


Maltese puppie

Arvin5200, Wikimedia Commons

Getting enough sleep and able to relax is very important for the body to recuperate. Patients may feel better listening to Mozart's Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter) which can readily be found at Youtube.


Cocktail drinks

Nik Frey, Wikimedia Commons

Alcohol can affect balance by lowering the viscosity of the fluid in the inner ear. So it is better to avoid any alcohol except one's customary sip at dinner time in the early phase of the care.


Archery target

Alberto Barbati, Wikimedia Commons

The goal of this care is to enable patients to live actively and healthy without relying on any passive therapy.

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