Signs and Symptoms

Though signs and symptoms provides some pertinent information about the condition, the diagnosis of derangement of sensory input can only be made when the causal relationship of a mechanical dysfunction and the effectual asymmetrical muscle tone is established.

Vast array of signs and symptoms can emerge as the result of derangement of sensory input. From birth to adulthood, different sets of symptoms dominate the health picture, affecting the body, mind and social well-being of the sufferers. The extent of damage of one's health is determined by two important factors: the age when derangement of sensory input occurred and the duration of its existence. The younger the patient, the more extensive the effect; the longer it is left unattended, the more complicated the condition becomes.

1. Infant (the first year)

The brain develops tremendous during the first 5 years of life; proper sensory input is important of its development and result in normal motor function. Upper cervical misalignment at birth severely affects the verticalization of the body and development of brain and motor function. It is called KISS (Kinetic Imbalance due to Suboccipital Strain).

  • fixed side bending or fixed extension of neck
  • restlessness
  • swallowing problem
  • asymmetrical motor development

The infant may show only minor symptoms in the early months of their lives, e.g. a temporary fixation of the head in one position, and may 'recover' spontaneously.

2. Children (the second to fourth years)

This is the "silent period." The children can be quite normal even after such a difficult first year. However, different sets of symptoms will soon emerge in subsequent stages of growth as KIDD (KISS-Induced Dysgnosia and Dyspraxia).

3. Children (the fourth to sixth years)


  • complaints about 'clumsiness' or slow motor development
  • remarks about 'difficulties with other children'
  • sleep disorders

4. Children (early school years)


  • lack of fine motor skills, difficulty with drawing and writing
  • lacking global motor skills, poor coordination in sports
  • cannot sit still, unable to concentrate
  • headaches

ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) which previously called MBD (minimal brain damage), ADD (attention deficit disorder) with and without hyperactivity, hyperkinesis, hyperkinetic impulse disorder, hyperactive syndrome, hyperkinetic reaction of childhood, minimal brain dysfunction, etc.

5. Children (pre-adolescence)


  • difficulties regarding social interaction
  • inability and unwillingness to fulfill the requirements of school
  • headaches

6. Adults and older children

  • Pain: headache, thoracic pain, abdominal pain, joint pain, neck pain, back pain, sciatica
  • Imbalance: motion sickness, nausea, dizziness, inexplicable falls
  • Eye symptoms: fatigue, red eyes, eye strain, pain in or around the eyes, blurred vision, double vision
  • Proprioceptive: faulty judgment of distance, misperceiving the body, errors of appreciation of the body image
  • Articular: TMJ Syndrome, stiff neck, low back pain, periarthritis, sprains
  • Structural:scoliosis
  • Neuromuscular: reduction in muscle power, defect of motor control of the limbs.
  • Neurovascular: tingling or pricking (“pins and needles”), discoloration of fingers and/or toes when exposed to changes in temperature (cold or hot) or emotional events
  • Cardio-circulatory:pseudoangina - chest pain spreading to the shoulders, arms, and neck despite healthy coronary arteries, abnormally rapid heart rate, feeling of faintness
  • Respiratory: shortness of breath, fatigue
  • Auditory: ringing or buzzing in the ears, deafness
  • Reproductive: pain during the menstrual period, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), and chronic pelvic pain
  • Miscellaneous: impaired ability to recognize and comprehend written words, impaired handwriting, irrational fear of crowded spaces or enclosed public places, defect of orientation, defect of spatial localization right and left, problem with concentration, loss of memory, lack of bodily strength, anxiety, depression

7. Middle age and beyond

Worsening of the above symptoms in adult. Progressive degeneration of the joints of spine and other skeletal structures.

In fact, the related conditions go beyond the above list. However, the causes of each of these conditions and symptoms are numerous, "derangement of sensory input for equilibrium" is just one that has never been heard of by almost all professionals in other health fields. No matter what, this diagnosis must be established only with confirmation of direct relationship of a mechanical cause with the effectual asymmetrical muscle tone.

Early detection and adjustment of derangement of sensory input will lead to a healthy body and mind at any stage of life.

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